Freedom from stress, fatigue, and pain. The magic of Kinesiology

What if you could tap into a natural healing force in your body that would free you of pain, and anxiety and support you in living a healthy life full of energy and optimism? Get to know about Freedom From Emotional And Physical Pain in depth by going through this informative post and deciding to use it.

What is Creative Kinesiology? A bespoke treatment that’s as unique as you are.

Kinesiology is a holistic therapy that works on every aspect of health, the physical, psychological, emotional, nutritional, biochemical, and spiritual levels, to identify and relieve the stress, which is preventing a person from enjoying good health.

 It was developed in the 1960s, by Dr. George Goodheart, combining modern Western techniques and theory and knowledge drawn from Eastern health systems. Based on the core ‘Touch for Health’ program, Creative Kinesiology uses unique techniques to track your individual story and really get to the root of your

problems or limitations, quickly and effectively.

How does it work?

Kinesiology works on the basis that in order have total health, we must look at the person as a complete whole. Factors that affect the physical body will not only have an effect on other parts of the body but will have an effect on the mind and emotions too. For example, chronic back pain could lead to a person feeling depressed and by the same token, excessive worry could contribute to the development of a stomach ulcer or digestive problems.

Kinesiology taps into your body’s wisdom, making use of muscle-testing techniques to measure the response of the central nervous system. From this, it is possible to monitor the flow of energy throughout the body on a very fine level and identify the factors which may be disrupting the natural flow of energy which are essential for good health.

 It is easy to spot a physical injury but not so easy with other aspects of your health! Your body knows!! Kinesiologists can gain information from it.

 Imbalances are determined, along with finding your story. Techniques are used to restore balance in the body, tailored to your individual needs. A Kinesiologist works together with a client and guides you to understand what kind of changes are needed.

Is it safe?

Kinesiology is a very safe, health-enhancing therapy for everyone from infants to the elderly. It does not diagnose or treat diseases – it allows the body to reveal what it needs to restore balance and well-being.

What happens in a session?

Prior to the first session, I will have had a Discovery call with you to ascertain the key issues and what I can offer you. During the first session, we will discuss what is required and agree on a plan of action. I will explain in more detail how I work. Skillful muscle testing and tracking the story files, allow me to pinpoint your story, the cause, and areas of imbalance. We will work together on this. I will test for the appropriate procedure or technique required to restore energy balance and health. Corrections are made by a wide variety of non-invasive, gentle techniques. I may choose to use other tools such as EFT or B.L.A.S.T. At the end of the session, I most likely will advise changes in lifestyle and nutrition or self-help techniques, which will aid the process.

What can it do?

By restoring balance to the energy channels, the tools I use can stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and overall efficiency

 Possible benefits include:

-release of emotional stress

-help with confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem

-relief of physical pain –  improved posture

-increased vitality and resistance to illness

-help with intolerances and nutritional requirements

-enhanced functioning of the brain and nervous system

-improved coordination

-help with fears and phobias

-setting and achieving goals

-tapping hidden potential

Creative Kinesiology works to release the stress and fear that may be preventing us from achieving our true potential. Stressful events from the past can have effects beyond their ‘time’ and can be responsible for negative feelings, beliefs, and phobias. If we base our choices on reactions to unpleasant experiences from the past, we can develop limiting patterns of behaviour that keep us from experiencing good health, vitality, happiness, and the success we want.

Lyn Whittington: BSc, CKRP, OldPain2Go Practitioner, B.L.A.S.T.Practitioner, NLP Practitioner, EFT Fb: Websites:     www. Tel:  01480 811329/07791220242   email:

Registered Member of The Creative Kinesiology School, Kinesiology Federation, and BCMA (British Complementary Medicine Association), Insured by Holistic Insurance

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